Espèces Allochtones

FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans, 2017

“Espèces Allochtones” works with the concepts of Allochthonous Species versus Autochthonous Species formulated in biological terms, from where we can draw a parallel with the field of social relationships, relating the statement on the removal of certain species which we consider allochthonous and the protection of the ones considered as autochthonous, with the justification of the current policies of migratory control, or the position of “locals first”, and with the consequent necessity of redefining the disciplinary tools of the architecture that these new scenarios are posing.

In this respect the project is formalized in the creation of a mural-piece made out of exotic plants seeds, that invite us to re-think issues as the requirement of providing with safe spaces for the confrontation of interests, the protection of the fragile and precarious, the hybrid identities, or the necessity of building scenarios of co-dependence, as well as the necessary extension of the materials of which architecture is formed, including both significant and non-significant elements, human and non-human, natural and cultural, material and representational, inviting to think the architectural production as a collaborative multi-species survival practice and the culture in terms of plurality and diversity.